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Max Hembd

On Air

November 3 – 27, 2022

Gallery open Saturdays-Sundays, 12-4 PM


Opening ArtHop Reception: Thursday, November 3rd 

5 – 8 PM

As a multi-instrumental sound artist, Max Hembd is always seeking things

that are new. Like fresh air after the rain, air that has skated across the

Pacific Ocean, and the sweet breath of his children, Max wants his musical

explorations to reach the ears with similar nostalgia. Centered around the

sonic qualities of the air within the gallery at Corridor 2122, his performance

piece in 3 sets will include a piano preparation homage to hero John Cage 

alongside a variety of electro-acoustic instruments. 

The entirety of the performance will be broadcast live to 87.7 FM and then

recorded to cassette tape via a vintage boombox. An exploration of time as

well as space, Max will feature instruments from his collection which span

the early 20th century to present, with examples from nearly every decade

in between. Through the month of November, certain instruments will remain

on display for the public to experience hands-on, as well as for additional

private showings and recording sessions with local artists.


Stay tuned...

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